Sometime there’ll be art and nobody will see it
Speculations on art and its dissolving. An essay by Noemi Smolik
Of late, the concept of speculative materialism/realism has been making the rounds in philosophy and art. In brief, according to proponents of this new form of thought the world can and must be conceived independently of humanity. Kassels’ Fridericianum explored the relevance of these approaches in contemporary art, through the summer of this year holding three events accompanied by a conference and artist weiterlesen
“Go and Stop Progress!”
Kasimir Malewich and Modernity – A Misunderstanding. An Essay by Noemi Smolik on the occasion of the exhbition at Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
This is the first Malevich exhibition that ventures to show the artist’s link to the Russian tradition by including three icons. And yet, the presentation fails to do justice to Malevich against the backdrop of Russian history. We still continue to project a Western concept of modernism onto the work of this Russian weiterlesen
The Abstract Turn
Back to Abstraction – An essay by Noemi Smolik
Just before the end of the year, Cologne gallerists Alexander Warhus and Luisa Rittershaus presented a striking exhibition of painting in the former spaces of Galerie Zwirner, today the project space WERTHEIM. The 10-day exhibition showed works by young artists living in the Rhineland, who, alongside the visual formats set by the curators, almost all the same size, had one thing in common: abstraction. But weiterlesen
Taking a Bow in Absence
An essay on the exhibition “CO-MIX: Art Spiegelman” at Museum Ludwig, until January 6, 2013. By Oliver Tepel
Do you recognize it? A black silhouette, like a comma rotated 90°, a concave ellipsis, three quarters finished, then with an opening forming a small semi-circle towards the top, where the shape closes in a horizontal straight line. It could be a stylized little hedgehog, and indeed, there are small, regular lines framing it weiterlesen